Small comforts

Aaaaaarrrrggghhhhhh! Been in lockdown since late March. It’s now August and this damned virus has not left our city. We are in relevant comfort and I have few reasons to complain but still I feel like screaming with frustration.

I just hate being caged, always have. I’ve led a fairly nomadic life both geographically and emotionally. Maybe you’re the same, maybe you know what I mean. But of course I can tolerate lockdown. It’s a pandemic and I care about humans so I’m not about to pull a Karen. Still, it’s a fucking drag and taking its toll on the ole mentality. I feel it’s okay to simultaneously hate lockdown, do your civic duty and recognise your privilege on a global scale.

It’s a bit like kids. You can love them and also want them to shut the fuck up and go to sleep, please now, stop asking questions but also I love your curiosity, clearly a genius.

Anyway, you gotta find the silver linings. I live in one of the world’s richest and well developed countries with free healthcare, plenty of public space, good mental health supports and financial supports, organised education, clean running water...also an island so human movement during a pandemic is somewhat controlled. We have tonnes of fresh produce from within our own country. We have a say in our politics. Women are educated and free, children have human rights. These may seem like discombobulated topics but when a threat such as pandemic hits, every one of these elements matters in addressing the crisis. It’s like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs or Confucius talking about how to put things in order. 

So it is for another six weeks (at least) of online-only friendships and work and education. Taking it day-by-day and ignoring the long term view. I guess that’s my advice: just get through each day. Sometimes it’s with booze and chocolate, sometimes lost in a hobby, sometimes work, sometimes cleaning, whatever. Get through each day with whatever works and one day we will be free to move again.
