Romance and reality

I've been pondering over two famous paintings of Napoleon. One I saw earlier this year at the Lourve in Abu Dhabi is by Jacques Louis-David who painted Napoleon crossing the Alps in the time and style of Romanticism. You can't help but love this painting even if you dislike the subject. 

It's gorgeous with sumptuous, vibrant colours and energetic alignment. No doubt this is how Napoleon would have wanted people to see his journey - as a noble conquering, completed in comfort despite the unfriendly surrounds. But that's Romanticism, right? It's an ideal, never a true depiction.

Then there is the same event painted by Paul Delaroche. Big difference in mood here.

I love Delaroche's work - it has the beauty of Romanticism but a Realist depiction. Well, more real. A step towards reality, let's say.

The reason these two paintings occupy my mind is that they are such a great visual depiction of perception and reality. While neither are truly real, Delaroche's certainly feels more real and depicts a more likely experience of crossing the Alps on horseback in 1800.

My Instagram status currently states 'wish life felt as good as Insta looks' because even I, when looking at my own Instagram profile think "fuck this looks great, wish I had this life". Which is weird because I do. But it certainly doesn't feel that way. 

The curated depiction of my life online is much more positive than my daily thoughts and moods. Instagram especially can be like a Romantic depiction of life. Is it propaganda? Certainly, some people use it that way. I started out wanting to share my best images and try to give an insight into the beauty I find in everyday life. What I've created instead is something both real and unreal, much like a Delaroche painting.

Obviously, there are no fully formed ideas here, only musings and questions around that nebulous topic of perception and reality. I'm definitely going to think on this more and also look at more gorgeous Romantic and Realism painting comparisons. Let me know if you have any suggestions because I do love to nerd out on art history.

Here's me at the Lourve for a little brag. Feel lucky I got to travel at all in 2020.
