Out and anxious

I’m heading Out for the first time in months. Melbourne has opened some venues with social distancing measures in place and I’m headed for Atlas Vinifera wine bar. It’s a bar I trust and am familiar with. I’m meeting a friend who takes quarantine and social distancing seriously. I’m doing this in the safest way possible and yet it still feels a bit reckless. 

It’s also exhilarating and I can feel such a swelling of emotion and energy and unshared stories that I’m scared I’ll explode with catharsis at the first wine. Must stay composed. 

As we reach the city everything looks usual. You might not even notice people are walking slightly wider apart or that the trams are sparse. Traffic on Hoddle is slow and thick as ever. It almost nice to have that familiar sight. Almost.

Well, I’m almost there and I’ve typed up this blog post on my phone in the back of an Shebah. Not ideal writing circumstances but it’s done. And done is better than perfect. Wish me luck Out in the World. Stay safe, friends.
