
I'd forgotten about this blog. Haven't posted in five years. It's been gathering dust or whatever is the internet equivalent. Collecting cookies maybe. So here I come gliding in like nothing happening to kickstart the regular writing habit once again.

A few years back I met an amazing woman called Jodi Jackson. She had a love for gardening but like any of us, struggled to find the time to fit it in amongst all the other obligations of life. So she made herself a promise. That she would do something in the garden every day for one year to see what she could achieve. And then she started a humble blog Everyday in the Garden to keep herself accountable. When I met Jodi she was a wealth of gardening knowledge, so much that she was now teaching classes, involved in multiple projects, and was an avid advocate for gardening and permaculture knowledge. Jodi managed to make her passion her career years before 'follow your bliss' was even a thing.

I'm going to try and turn this blog into my 'Everyday in the Garden'.

So don't expect the polished posts of the past. Things are about to get raw. At best, I'll churn out ten minutes of thinking each day and send it into the void. Hopefully, something that will entertain you, make you laugh, or make you think. Sometimes definitely a load of waffle.

Wouldn't you know it - I've had so many ruminating thoughts today and yet now I draw a blank. This is the habit I hope to overcome. If you're a writer like me you will know the feeling. But as a few dodgy white guys through the years have said - you can't sit around, staring at skies, waiting for a bolt of inspiration to hit. Inspiration will come but it needs to find you working. It's the process itself that lures out your creative muse within.

Just writing/creating is enough. The cobwebs are officially dusted. Let's see what I can make of this blog. Now, what about you? What is the habit you'd like to develop, what is the thing you want to make a little time for every day just to see what you can make of it?
