Blackout Tuesday

Before we get started let me just mention the wild and fabulous and sometimes scary uprisings happening in America right now because #BlackLivesMatter. Plus all the amazing voices rising up to remind Australia of it’s hypocrisy when it shakes its head at America because #BlakLivesMatter. It’s tricky to give ten minutes writing on anything without first mentioning what is going on in the world today.

Also Trump *shudders* who wouldn’t wear a face mask as he thought it emasculating was hiding in the White House bunker because there were protests outside the gates. Then #BunkerBoy started trending and it was hilarious and cathartic.

Interesting how you can be isolated at home, literally out of touch with society and yet viscerally experience a mass event online. Even physically apart there is community and shared emotion, shared purpose. Perhaps this used to happen through the television or radio or newspapers or all of the above together. The big M Media. But certainly it was convoluted news in pre-internet times. With crowd-sourced information the truth seems to rise like cream. As individuals we can be dummies but collectively we are smart. Well, smarter.

Okay it almost midnight and I’ve made words today ✅ Two days down. Every journey begins wth a step, as they say.
