Interview on Channel 31

That's right, baby, I've hit the big time! Channel 31.

Okay, okay, I'm being facetious. For those of you outside Australia, Channel 31 is a community-run television station. Anyone can make their own show for this channel, but that doesn't make me any less proud to have been invited on Harmony in Diversity.

The show examines issues around faith through interviews between host Norm Currie and guests. I was invited on to talk about Sunday Assembly Melbourne: a godless congregation, aka atheist church, that I have been running in Melbourne for the past year.

The interview consists of two parts: the first I talk about myself and my upbringing, and in the second I talk about Sunday Assembly. I must admit that I was a bit thrown at just how much I was expected to talk about my personal life so you may notice that I'm somewhat uncomfortable at times.

Still, it all came off okay and I enjoyed the interviews and my conversations off-air with Norm thoroughly. Below are the two interviews. I hope you enjoy them and please share your thoughts, comments, and feedback below or on the Harmony in Diversity YouTube Channel.

Part one: where I talk about myself and my *cough* "spiritual journey"

Part two: where I talk about Sunday Assembly aka the atheist church
