Starting a Sunday Assembly

Starting up a Sunday Assembly can seem a daunting task: at the beginning there is so much to do and consider with only a small crew of organisers. Yet it is also exhilarating and enriching, especially on the day when you can see how many people you have helped make happy! So I'm writing up this blog to help those who are standing on square one and wondering where to move next.

Step one: gather the troops.
People want to help, and helpful people are competent and useful. It sounds so simple, but many organisers get caught in the trap of thinking they have to do everything themselves. The first step to a successful Sunday Assembly is to connect with others who, like you, just want to help.

You might find that you each bring a unique skill set and can easily delegate clear roles. Or you might meet people who share your own interests and talent so that you can collaborate it all into a storm of awesome. Whatever the mix, make sure you don't go it alone because the best assemblies happen through cooperation and community.

Step two: write a list and stick to it like gum to a shoe.
Checklists are just the cat's pyjamas when it comes to organisation.

When our Melbourne team organise our services we start with a list of everything we think needs doing. Then we email it back and forth, checking things off, adding bits, discussing and sometimes dismissing bits, but all the time sticking to and working from that central list. You might be more savvy than us and have a shared list in a Google group. In fact that's a great idea, gonna right that one down on the list...

...okay, so the point of the list is it's clear, concise, and it shows your progress at a glance. It keeps your group in concise communication and ensures you all know where you stand. Live by the list and you will be the better organiser for it.

Step three: unleash your inner Sherlock and investigate.
Inevitably you will be answering questions about Sunday Assembly, whether it be from family and friends, attendees, or media. So it's good to be informed about what The Sunday Assembly is and what it's all about.

Get searching on the internet: news articles, blogs, podcasts, tv spots, interviews, there is a lot of information out there.
Have conversations: online or real world, ask questions of other organisers, get in on a Sunday Assembly Skype meeting, or just talk to your friends.
Keep notes: if you are like me and have a sieve for a brain, it may be useful to keep a working word document of FAQs that you can refer to.

Step four: double-check that checklist.
Go back to that list one more time than you think you need to. Is every task assigned to someone? Are they aware of their responsibilities and ready to go? Check, check, check, then finally...

Step five: celebrate!
Remember to enjoy Sunday Assembly and leave all your organiser worries at the door. Sometimes items are forgotten, or the band plays without an amp, or you have tea bags and no hot water. Don't let it spoil your day, just have a laugh and eat an extra slice of cake. Cake make happy again.

Join the celebration and bask in the exhilarating joy that comes from making others happy. You did it! Huzzah!
